The 5th Congress, directed to researchers, professors and professionals, presents the following themes:

  • Theme 01: Education and railway: opportunities to stimulate learning through railway industrial assets.
  • Theme 02: Museums and railways: the culture of transportation as a challenge to the preservation and architectural and museological communication.
  • Theme 03: The management of railway heritage in the territory (housing, railways and constructive work): preservation instruments and models involving public and private civil entities.

The 4th Meeting of young researchers, directed at undergraduates, postgraduates students or young doctors, proposes the following themes:

  • Theme 04: New methodological tools and / or theoretical approaches to identifying material traces and railway memory.
  • Theme 05: New documentary or material sources for the study of urban heritage and the memory of railway work.
  • Theme 06: Multidisciplinary Railway Heritage Studies.
  • Theme 07: Local studies and cross-sectional analyses on the history, architecture and urban contexts of railway heritage.